Going on a cruise seems like an ideal vacation as they are generally inexpensive and all-inclusive. In addition to providing an enjoyable experience, a cruise line is also responsible to provide a certain level of safety. There are various types of cruise ship injuries ranging from minor scrapes and bruises to injuries of a catastrophic nature. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for the perfect vacation to take a turn for the worse.
A knowledgeable cruise ship injury attorney is essential for successfully navigating the maritime laws that apply to cruise ship injuries. At JPD Injury Law, PLLC, attorney Joseph P. Discepola has the legal know-how to guide his clients through the process so that they may obtain the compensation they are due.
Common Types of Cruise Ship Injuries
- Slip & Fall Accidents: Slip and fall accidents are a common occurrence on cruise ships. A freshly mopped floor with no warning sign, poor lighting on a stairwell, or a wet deck can easily cause a passenger to lose their footing through no fault of their own.
- Swimming Pool Accidents: Cruise ships often have multiple swimming pools, or even a water park, for guest entertainment. When these water attractions are not properly maintained, accidents can and will occur.
- Negligent Security: A passenger on a cruise ship has every right to feel safe and secure while on board. When a cruise line fails to provide security or provides security that is inadequate, injuries may result.
- Medical Malpractice: The good news for passengers when they get sick or hurt on a cruise ship is that most ships have a physician on board. The bad news for these same passengers is that the cruise ship doctor may or may not be licensed in the United States, will not have access to the same medical supplies and equipment that a United States emergency room physician would have, and are the only option for the passenger.
What Every Cruise Ship Passenger Should Know
- About Their Ticket: When you sign up for your cruise, you will receive a lengthy ticket with lots of small print. It is important that you read and understand the terms on your ticket, especially if you plan on filing suit against the cruise line. More often than not, there will be clauses that state where the suit must be filed and the timeframe in which the suit must be filed. For example, an passenger usually has 6 months to notify the cruise company of his or her claim and 1 year to file suit in Federal Court in the Southern District of Florida (Miami).
- About The Law: Determining the applicable laws for an accident that happens on a cruise ship can be problematic. Depending upon the circumstances of the case, the law that governs may be the law of the state where the ship departed from, the country where the ship is located when the accident occurs, or maritime law.

Contact JPD Injury Law Today
for a Free Consultation
If you or a loved one has been the victim of , contact attorney Joseph P. Discepola, a litigator with the skill and experience to provide adept representation that results in his clients receiving the results they deserve. Contact JPD Injury Law today for a free, no-obligation initial consultation.